About the Texas PMP

The Texas PMP, managed by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, collects and monitors outpatient prescription data for all Schedule II, III, IV and V controlled substances dispensed by a pharmacy in Texas. It is sometimes referred to as the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), Rx AWARE, or PMP AWARxE.

PMP EHR Integration and NarxCare

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy offers statewide integration of the PMP within electronic health records and pharmacy management systems, along with access to NarxCare, at no cost to healthcare providers and practices.

Integration simplifies the process of checking the PMP, allowing for faster review of a patient’s controlled substance prescription history and more time to focus on patient care.

For more information, please contact Appriss Health at AccountSupport@apprisshealth.com.

Mandated Use of the Texas PMP

Delegate Use Chart

The Texas PMP is a patient care tool that can be used to inform prescribing practice and to address prescription drug misuse, diversion, and overdose. As the only statewide electronic database that stores all controlled substance information, the Texas PMP helps prescribers and pharmacists avoid potentially life-threatening drug interactions, decide when to make referrals to specialty treatment providers, and identify individuals obtaining controlled substances from multiple health care providers and pharmacies. The Texas PMP shares prescription data with 36 other states/entities, allowing prescribers and pharmacists to track prescriptions dispensed outside of Texas.

Clinical Decision Making

The PMP is an essential tool that provides prescribers with critical information to make the best decisions for their patients and their practice. Every patient. Every time.

Sign on Before You Sign Off: About the Campaign

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission and the Texas State Board of Pharmacy have partnered to promote meaningful use of the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program, with the ultimate goal of preventing prescription drug misuse and overdose.