How to Add Input Field inside Table Cell in HTML ?

In HTML , adding input fields inside the table cells can be done to make the application user interactive and useful in the scenarios of building forms, data entry systems, etc.

Below are the approaches to add input field inside a Table Cell in HTML:

Table of Content

Using ‘input’ tag

In this approach, we are using the tag directly within table cells to allow users to input values. This enables the creation of editable fields for specific data entries, such as names and ages, directly within the table structure.




Example: The below example uses the tag Directly to Add an input field inside the table cell in HTML.

Output :

Using data Attribute with JavaScript

In this approach, we are using the data attribute (data-value) in HTML along with JavaScript to dynamically replace specific table cells with input fields. The script, executed when the DOM content is loaded, selects cells with the specified data attribute, creates an input element, initializes its value from the data attribute, and then replaces the original content with the input field.




// JavaScript code to create an input element using data attribute

Example: The below example uses data Attribute with JavaScript to Add input field inside table cell in HTML.

Output :

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