Documents Required

Applicants are required to submit the following supporting documents immediately after completing the online application. All required documents must be submitted in order to complete the application process.

The Assistant Registrar
Recruitment, Admissions and Registration Department
Office of the Campus Registrar
The University of the West Indies, Global Campus
Esmond D. Ramesar Centre
Trinidad and Tobago

Guidelines for Submission of Supporting Documents:

Applicants are advised to submit all supporting documents using either Option 1 or Option 2 below:


Applicants can submit the Application Receipt along with the original and copies of the supporting documents outlined above to the Glocal Campus Site office located in their country. The original documents will be immediately returned on verification of the copies by the Site personnel.


Applicants can submit the Application Receipt along with copies of the supporting documents via email. The supporting documents listed above are to be submitted using the following interim measures.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications will not be considered if there is any indication that the supporting documents have been altered in any way.