GED Flash TM
1000’s of Interactive
GED Practice

Get access to a full collection of GED practice questions and answers covering concepts you need to know to pass. Choose Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, or Math.

Learn as you go.

Each practice question comes with step-by-step explanations, so you can see instantly where you may have gone wrong and learn how to do it right the next time.

Study on the move.

Created for use on phone, tablet or desktop, so you can study whenever and wherever you find a moment of free time.

Prep at your pace.

With GED Flash, you can study for the GED in as little as five minutes a day. GED Flash offers the flexibility of practicing without feeling tied down for hours.

Choose Your Bundle

Prepare for 1 subject or access all 4 subjects and get up to 61% off

Good value

Single Subject for 1 Month

Better value

All 4 Subjects for 1 Month

Best value

All 4 Subjects for 3 Months

$180 $110 off

FAQs about GED Flash

Do I have to have a account to use GED Flash?

Yes. Creating your account is fast and free. You can create the account before buying Flash or after, but you do need to be logged in to use GED Flash.

For how long can I use GED Flash? Is my access unlimited during this time period?

It depends on which package you purchase. If you buy either the 1 subject or 4 subjects for 1 month packages, you will have unlimited access for 30 days from the purchase date. If you buy the 4 subjects for 3 months package, you will have unlimited access for 90 days from the purchase date.

Are practice questions on GED Flash the same questions I will see on the real test?

Practice questions are structured and worded to mirror what is on the real test, but the exact content is different.

Can I use GED Flash with other GED prep products or if I'm enrolled in classes?

GED Flash is the perfect complement to in-person or online classes and other study tools. Continue the great work with practice questions outside of class to keep concepts fresh in your mind.

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