Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) - JF Part B

An ASC is defined as an entity that operates exclusively for furnishing outpatient surgical services to patients. To receive coverage of and payment for its services under this provision, a facility must be certified as meeting the requirements for an ASC and enter into a written agreement with CMS.

Two Types of ASCs

  1. Independent: Not part of a provider of services or any other facility
  2. Hospital: ASC under common ownership, licensure or control of a hospital

Access the below ASC related information from this page.

Covered ASC Facility Services

To view a complete listing of approved codes, see the CMS ASC Payment Rates - Addenda webpage. The covered surgical procedures are listed in Addendum AA and covered ancillary services are listed in Addendum BB. The listing is updated at least annually by CMS.

Payment Inclusions

Service Inclusion
Nursing services, services of technical personnel and other related services All services with covered procedures furnished by nurses and technical personnel who are employees of ASC

Drugs and biologicals that cannot be self-administered are exceptions

Covered Ancillary Items and Services

Ancillary items and services integral to a covered surgical procedure and for which separate payment to the ASC is allowed include the below.

Not Part of Facility Fee